Numerous of our clients – agencies, corporations, and organizations – have been with us for many years. We are thankful and proud of their loyalty and feel inspired by the work we do for them. From our IT clients we've learned all about agility in business: quick coordination, extreme efficiency, appreciative cooperation, and a love for teamwork. Our renewable-energies clients have taught us the importance of following your passion, developing flexible business models, and constantly expanding your knowledge base. To keep up with our clients, we stay abreast of the latest developments, PR trends, and digital change processes. Here is a short selection of client projects:

CHEM Trust Europe, Hamburg
- Joint development of a media strategy
- Workshop media training and core messages
- Establishing contacts with daily, business and specialist media
- Preparation/supervision of interviews
- Publications e.g. in GEO Magazin, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit, dpa, Stern, Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, BR, SWR, taz, MDR Wissen, Greenpeace Magazin, VDI Nachrichten
- Creation of press distribution lists
- Creation and sending of press releases
- Localization of brochures

Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena), Berlin
- Articles for client website (agency commissions via, Berlin): - Panel discussion moderation at the dena-Kongress 2017

DNV GL Energy (today: DNV), Hamburg
- German Web copy for the relaunch of
- Marketing copy PDF
- Trade journal articles and press releases Article

IU Internationale Hochschule, Erfurt
- Conducting a PR workshop
- Establishing contacts with daily, business and trade media
- Development of media pitches
- Preparation/supervision of interviews
- Publications e.g. in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Handelsblatt, Süddeutsche Zeitung, dpa, RND, brand eins, Zeit online, Spiegel, VDI nachrichten, NDR, MDR, Tagesspiegel,
- Creation of press distribution lists
- Preparation of press releases and guest articles
- Advice and sparring for the press team
- Conducting retrospectives
- Event moderation “Next Level Learning: AI in Education and the World of Work”
- Nominated for the PR Report Award and European Excellence Award 2024 together with MSL Germany: “When AI becomes a personal tutor - education revolution made in Germany”

LRQA Germany (ex Lloyd’s Register), Cologne
- Placement of expert articles in professional media
- Creation of technical articles in German or English
Safety Culture Ladder Auditing Management Systems Remotely - Creation of white papers, case studies and press releases
- Localisation of texts for the website

Roxtec, Hamburg
- Communication concept for corporate and product PR
- Establishing contact with the trade and business media
- Creation and placement of technical articles
- Creation of press distributors
- Creation and distribution of press releases

Internationally active technology group
- Communication concept, development of corporate PR
- Establishing contacts with top-class daily, business and specialist media
- Publications in FAZ, Focus, dpa, Frankfurter Rundschau, Tagesspiegel, etc.
- Preparation and placement of special interest articles
- Creation of press distributors
- Creation and distribution of press releases

SMA Solar Technology, Niestetal
- Consulting and sparring partner for SMA regarding text and editorial planning
- Social media posts, web and advertising texts
- Articles for the SMA magazine and the SMA blog

Text100 (today: Archetype), Munich
- Trade journal articles, press releases, web and brochure copy for renowned IT and tech companies. Focus: B2B, industry, digitalization, renewable energies, and consumer electronics

ThoughtWorks, Cologne and Hamburg
- Copywriting and English-German adaptation for a successful pitch for a Dax-30 company
- English-German adaptation of recruitment ads Recruitment ad
- English-German web copy adaptation for

Ubilabs, Hamburg and Munich
- Development of a PR concept including core messages
- Establishing contacts with daily, business and trade media
- Preparation/support of interviews
- Publications in Tagesspiegel, Hamburger Abendblatt, Focus, VDI nachrichten, etc.
- Preparation and placement of expert articles in trade media (e.g. Transforming Cities, Behörden Spiegel, Clean Energy Projekt, Internationales Verkehrswesen)
- Creation of press distribution lists
- Creation and dispatch of press releases
Client list excerpt (direct and agency commissions)
Accenture * Adobe Systems * Alterric * Axis Communications * Bosch Power Tec * Camfil * Centrosolar * CHEM Trust Europe * Danfoss * Deutsche Energie-Agentur (dena) * Deutscher Bundestag * Deutsches Schauspielhaus * DNV GL Energy (DNV) * DNV GL Maritime (DNV) * Egon Zehnder * Fujitsu * Gallup * Gartner * Greenpeace * Hamburger Hochbahn * Hensel Electric * IBM * Intersolar Europe * IU Internationale Hochschule * Lenovo * LRQA * Microsoft * NXP * Philips * Pirelli * Probat * REC Solar * Roxtec * Samsung * SapientNitro * Sharp Solar * Siemens Deutschland * Siemens Building Technologies * SMA Solar Technology * SolarWorld * Techem * The North Face * ThoughtWorks * Ubilabs * UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning * Victorgroup * Vorwerk * Windforce * Xerox